Bergen New Bridge Medical Center Transforming Their Look with Innovare

Two Mobile Charging Stations will be Deployed this Fall in New Main Lobby

Innovare Medical Media is excited to announce its presence into Northern New Jersey at Bergen New Bridge Medical Center, where there will be two charging station towers deployed in the

fall of 2019.  Located in the brand new renovated lobby that opened in October 2019, these mobile charging towers will be an added benefit to patients, visitors, and healthcare professionals.  Local and regional business will have the opportunity to participate in the digital media platform and partner with the hospital to reach the niche hospitals demographics.  Healthcare professionals, visitors and patients have been an attractive local demographic that businesses have been keen to reach with their marketing messages.  Innovare has made this possible with highly effective embedded LCD’s in their functional mobile charging towers.

Liz Zuk, Innovare’s sales leader on the project said “we have already seen hundreds of businesses in the New Jersey market invest in Hospital Placed Media.  Currently, there are opportunities available for businesses, but we are expecting a fully developed sold out program in the next few months.”  Bergen New Bridge Medical Center represents Innovare’s 13th hospital program in New Jersey and 122nd in the United States.  Innovare has added 28 new hospitals to its portfolio as Hospital Placed Media continues its rapid growth.

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