Getting to know Carol C. Dorey Real Estate

Lauren Pickard, Marketing Manager at Carol C. Dorey Real Estate Inc., was kind enough to answer a few questions for Innovare on Hospital Placed Media (HPM)


  1. Carol Dorey Real Estate has been a client of Innovare since 2021 and continues to invest in Hospital Placed Media (HPM) – what has been your experience?

We have heard from many of our clients in the healthcare field that they love seeing our ads and that it’s been a topic of conversation – which is exactly what we wanted.

  1. Hospital Placed Media presents a valuable audience including high household income, age and education demographics. What is the marketing strategy for Carol Dorey Real Estate when targeting patients, visitors and/or healthcare professionals?

We are targeting exactly that – high household income. Carol C. Dorey Real Estate, Inc. specializes in representing the top 20% of the marketplace – homes valued above $300,000. We know that those working at the healthcare facilities are likely wanting to size up or down, or are planning on relocating and in need of either purchasing or listing a home. 

  1. By investing in HPM in 3 hospitals, Carol Dorey Real Estate’s campaign gets nearly 4 million annual impressions from a highly valuable audience. What do you want this audience to know?

Our goal is to let our audience know that we are fully capable of meeting their real state needs, whether they’re buying or selling – or both. We are a high-end boutique brokerage, and we offer a level of service to our agents and their clients that most other offices cannot.

  1. What has your experience been like working with the Innovare Medical Media team?

Our experience with the Innovare Medical Media team has always been pleasant. They are a joy to work with and we are grateful to be working with them!