Advertise to Families

healthcare advertising charging station

Family Advertising

Families navigating the healthcare environment are not just looking for medical care; they seek comfort, information, and services that can make their experience more manageable and positive. Innovare Media recognizes the unique position families hold as decision-makers and influencers in healthcare settings. Through our digital screen solutions placed in hospitals and medical facilities, we offer advertisers a distinctive platform to connect with families at critical moments, providing support, education, and product information that resonates with their immediate needs.

About Innovare

Innovare Medical Media is a pioneer in bridging the gap between healthcare facilities and advertisers, delivering impactful marketing solutions without incurring any cost to hospitals. By utilizing unexploited spaces within healthcare environments, Innovare introduces dynamic branding and marketing opportunities that enhance patient and visitor engagement. Our digital screens and mobile charging stations, strategically located in family-accessible areas, ensure maximum visibility for your advertisements, driving traffic and fostering brand loyalty.

healthcare advertising in a waiting room

Why Advertise to Families?

Reaching out to families within healthcare settings allows advertisers to present their messages to a captive audience actively seeking information and solutions. These individuals are in a unique state of mind, prioritizing the well-being of their loved ones, making them more receptive to advertisements that align with their needs and values. Family advertising through Innovare’s digital displays offers a targeted approach to connect with this demographic, providing relevant and timely content that can influence their healthcare decisions and preferences.

Innovare’s Impact

Operating in nearly 300 hospital venues across 31 states, Innovare Medical Media offers an expansive network for advertisers aiming to connect with families across the nation. Our innovative digital solutions facilitate a direct line of communication with family members during their visit to healthcare facilities, ensuring your brand plays a part in their healthcare journey. Innovare’s strategic placements within hospitals are designed to enhance the family experience, offering informative and supportive content that aligns with their needs.

Products That Innovare Offers

Our suite of products includes bespoke LCD screens that display vibrant advertisements and informational content, alongside mobile charging stations that keep families connected during their time in healthcare facilities. These solutions are crafted to integrate seamlessly into hospital settings, providing an engaging and useful resource for families and enhancing the overall patient and visitor experience.

By partnering with Innovare, you’re not just reaching families; you’re also contributing to a supportive and informative healthcare environment. Our no-cost advertising model for healthcare facilities reflects our commitment to creating mutually beneficial relationships between hospitals, advertisers, and the families they serve. Innovare Medical Media is dedicated to connecting advertisers with families in meaningful ways, driving awareness and engagement while supporting family-centric care in healthcare settings.

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