What are Colleges & Universities Saying about HPM?

Education continues to utilize Hospital Placed Media (HPM) to reach their target audience!

Innovare Medical Media has been a cornerstone of our marketing efforts for several years now. We offer multiple healthcare programs and there is no better way to capture the attention of prospective students looking to further their education than through the digital placements offered through Innovare.  –  Brian Martin, Director of Graduate Admissions – Moravian University

Healthcare professionals are constantly seeking additional education to advance their careers, in addition to hospital and health system employees who may be looking to move up in their positions and seek out additional educational opportunities.  – Jan Kirsten – Executive Director of College Relations – Ocean County College

We are thrilled to report that in our latest campaign, we noticed an immediate impact and direct correlation to enrollment at the college. This even includes prospective students sending us a picture from their phone of our advertisement within weeks of installation. – Travis Smith, Director of Public Relations at SUNY Canton

Innovare Media has provided Rockhurst University with an impactful and strategic avenue to drive our message about healthcare degree opportunities available at our prestigious university in the heart of Kansas City. – Dave Hunt, Director of Marketing – Rockhurst University

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