Innovare – Company of the Year

Charging Stations-Marketing-Revenue

Over 125 Hospitals have found their entrepreneurial spirit WIN-WIN-WIN

Since the beginning of the pandemic, healthcare professionals have been on a battle footing worldwide. They are working long hours with limited resources to fight the current global threat called COVID-19. In order to recognize their efforts, many communities are now putting their time and creativity into public expressions of gratitude, from making streetside graffiti to posting billboard banners.

Hospitals and community businesses have also sought to promote their message of thanks to healthcare professionals. Recently, Northwell Health leveraged their digital signage platform partners to feature messages of gratitude to all the healthcare workers, first responders, and essential employees, followed by a montage of these heroes in action.  Tactically placed across Northwell’s facilities,  this digital signage quickly grabbed public attention and boosted the morale of the healthcare professionals.

One of the architects of such strategically-placed media at Northwell Health is Innovare Medical Media (Innovare)—a pioneer in the digital signage and charging solution space.  Innovare brings an entrepreneurial model to the healthcare space, providing hospitals with free digital charging solutions and contributing revenue from the project back to the hospital. “This pandemic has put additional pressure on all of us and as hospitals continue to face increasing healthcare expenses, decreasing reimbursements, and shrinking marketing budgets, this project is a win-win-win for Hospitals,”  enthuses the co-founder of Innovare, Michael Ricciardi, as a proud partner of such an initiative.

Notably, this partnership between Northwell Health and Innovare was not something new. Innovare has been associated with Northwell since 2012, and, over the years, has installed 11 community showcase display programs across multiple Northwell healthcare facilities, with 2 more hospitals scheduled to be installed this year.  “I first came across Innovare late in 2016 as they were developing a program at one of our sites, Huntington Hospital, and it all seemed too good to be true,” said Kim Schwalb of Northwell Health.  As a Senior Manager of Business Operations, Kim oversees the Innovare project and manages the recurring revenue contributions as well as the approval of all content.  The digital signage component of this project is a great way to reinforce hospital branding initiatives and the charging stations are a hit with patients, visitors and staff.  In addition, Schwalb remarked, “the funds from the revenue share have been critical to helping support employee engagement and local level community sponsorship events.  With the addition of more Northwell Health hospitals, and new display technology, I have seen the revenue increase year over year.”

Optimizing the Marketing Content for Healthcare Space

NYU Winthrop Hospital was the first to launch Innovare on its entrepreneurial journey in 2011.  Now, 128 hospitals have chosen to launch this new technology with over 30 hospitals joining in 2019 alone.  Innovare’s mission is to create highly effective ongoing hospital branding and marketing platforms, enhance the appearance of sterile public areas in hospitals and even support the patient experience at zero cost to the hospital.  All this is accomplished with financial support from hospital-approved regional businesses. Innovare has already contributed over $3 million back to hospitals during the past five years.

Not surprising, Innovare has a healthy list of health system partners in both the not-for-profit and for-profit space leveraging this entrepreneurial model.  For example, Lynn Robbins, Director of Marketing and PR at Portsmouth Regional Hospital commented, “Portsmouth Regional Hospital was looking for cost-effective solution to effectively market/brand the hospital as well as support patient experience by providing charging solutions. Once introduced to Innovare, we quickly saw the business model as a no-brainer. Innovare not only provides hospitals with free marketing displays and free Charging Stations, but they service and maintain the entire program and even contribute revenue back to the hospital.”

The seamless and turnkey digital signage platform provided by Innovare helps healthcare facilities dump the antiquated poster boards, easels, and vinyl banners from their buildings, and enhance the appearance of their sterile public areas. These digital charging solutions with large-format hospital graphics can be placed throughout the hospital facilities to feature impactful hospital marketing content as well as pre-approved, leading local and regional businesses’ content, community messages and CDC guidelines.  “Considering the impact of this crisis, many of our hospitals, have chosen to run messages of thanks and gratitude, along with motivational content geared toward the healthcare professionals across the Innovare platform.  The outpouring of support has been wonderful to see as all the frontline workers are the great heroes in this crisis,” Ricciardi explained.

A Community-Sponsored Solution for Hospitals

What makes Innovare a remarkable choice for health facilities is its proprietary concession model through which they do all the heavy lifting – and its complete solution is offered to hospitals free of cost. Innovare leverages messaging by hospital-approved sponsors (colleges, credit unions, banks, other leading employers), to support the entire project and creates a revenue share which allows them to contribute revenue back to the hospital mission priorities…several million dollars to date and growing!  For example, some hospitals have the funds directed toward their foundation, others towards employee engagement, and some readily put the revenue back into marketing budgets.

Traditionally, the waiting lounge or cafeterias of the hospitals have broadcast television news and ad content, which may not be particularly well-suited for the hospital settings, and hospital management has no control on what content goes on-air. With Innovare’s digital signage solutions, those challenges are resolved as hospitals can now control all the messaging that is displayed, thereby facilitating a more appropriate, targeted and niche content.

A Gift that Never Stops Giving

The benefits of Innovare’s community display solution extend even further. These solutions are truly first-of-its-kind, considering they also combine mobile charging stations with the signage to enhance the patient and visitor experience even more.  As Ricciardi highlights, “Hospitals are now looking to add charging stations in their waiting areas. In many cases, hospitals purchase these charging solutions themselves and get entangled in an ever-increasing maintenance cost”. On the other hand, with an added benefit of integrated mobile charging stations, Innovare’s digital display solutions are becoming more valuable for key waiting areas, lobbies, and cafeterias.  Innovare partner, Ballad Health has benefitted from the easy implementation of the charging station project. As Jennifer McCroskey, Patient Experience Specialist, describes, “When our patient and family advisory council tasked me with finding a charging station, I never expected to find something like this.  The Innovare project just made sense.  These towers provide our guests a much-needed service while displaying a high impact marketing platform at no cost to us which is remarkable.  I can’t think of another product or service we’ve implemented that didn’t require the hospital to cut a check, and the fact that Innovare shares a percentage of their gross revenue with us on a quarterly basis was a surprising bonus.”

Going the extra mile, Innovare is also responsible for the service and maintenance for all the display solutions and ensures that these solutions are updated with the latest technology through its local area service representatives. “We are responsible for installing signage solutions to all the way through servicing and maintenance of the equipment,” added Marianne Pish, from the Innovare Team.

Moving ahead, Innovare is now poised to reach out to more healthcare providers with its integrated offering. Especially, as digital signage and charging stations are fast becoming an industry-wide trend, it is a favorable time for Innovare to grow above and beyond. The company is also improving its charging stations by including the provisions of wireless charging. “With the ongoing enhancements of our integrated offering, many folks at the hospitals will find them to be a wonderful value-add for patients, visitors, and staff.  We are thrilled so many leading hospitals have chosen Innovare and it has been incredible to see our network grow coast-to-coast so quickly.  We look forward to continuing to support our hospital partners and uncovering new partners to support for years to come.,” concludes Ricciardi.

Hospitals and Leading Businesses Express Thanks to Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Professionals are Hero’s During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Healthcare professionals are pouring their hearts and souls into keeping communities safe and healthy during the Covid-19 pandemic.  They are working around the clock, tirelessly and selflessly to take care of and save those affected by the virus.  The drive, professionalism and undaunted courage in the face of the most intense pandemic in modern history is appreciated by everyone as these individuals are putting themselves in harm’s way every day.

The Innovare showcase program now features Hospitals and community businesses promoting their message of thanks to these wonderful healthcare professionals.  For example; Trinity Health says “ Thank you to our Trinity Health of New England colleagues for the care you provide to our communities” and as a leading university, Arizona State University writes “Healthcare leaders like you are making a difference. ASU says thanks you”  Many have noticed and appreciated these messages which every one, big or small, is making a difference.

What follows is a compilation of these messages of support.

Out of Home Digital Media Wins as Newspapers Falter

Innovare is Leading the Way to Have More Eyes on Your Brand

Innovare Medical Media has successfully built the Hospital Placed Media (HPM) platform in leading markets throughout the country.  HPM is one of the most rapidly growing avenues of advertising that your business will want to take advantage of. In recent years, marketing teams have jumped ship on traditional avenues of advertising like radio and newspapers. They are replacing it with more effective, impactful,  and affordable ventures like targeted media-based advertising. 

Why Visual and Media-Based Advertising Wins Every Time

Billboard Insider claims that when it comes to choosing between radio or billboard advertising opportunities, the answer is easy. “The obvious difference is that billboards offer sight, and a picture tells a thousand words.” According to their studies, a visual advertisement is shown to drive revenue that is more than double of what a radio ad would provide. 

A business will have more opportunity to tell their story to potential customers by implementing a visual and informative advertisement. When it comes to a billboard or media-based marketing like Hospital Placed Media, businesses can effectively segment their content.  This is ideal to select critical placement to reach the right target audience and decide the best frequency and duration of the ad to increase its overall effectiveness and maximize their investment. 

Even billionaire investor, Warren Buffett is giving up on newspapers, and at the end of January 2020, it was announced that Buffet sold his portfolio of 31 local newspapers. The fact that he is selling his investment for less than what he originally paid for speaks to the lack of influence that more traditional media holds. These forms of advertising are often more expensive and offer a smaller window of run time. Media-based and visual advertising opportunities typically contain a longer run time and offer more versatility, which decreases your business’ cost per exposure and thus increases the return on investment.   

How Can You Gain this Control?

Innovare offers complete control over your advertising by allowing your business to target your ideal target audience. Our studies and customer reports have shown that through Hospital Placed Media, Innovare has helped provide companies control over their advertisements and gain a return on investment in a niche market. This far outweighs the benefits of more traditional, old-fashioned media placement such as radio, newspaper, or tv.

Hospital Placed Media is growing at an astonishing rate. You should feel great about the audience, the demographics, the value that Hospital Placed Media can bring to your business. How is your business taking advantage of visual marketing in 2020? With opportunities coast-to-coast, Innovare’s nationwide Hospital Placed Media Platform can help your business today.  

Hospital Placed Media is Driving New Customers to Auto Dealerships 


Innovare Medical Media has pioneered the location-based media segment by establishing strategically placed digital ads on hospital campuses. This advertising opportunity has demonstrated the explosive potential to reach a highly valued targeted audience with superior demographics to traditional media.  

Innovare customer, Ray Catena of Union, noticed a significant spike in traffic by utilizing the Innovare marketing platform. Typically, auto dealerships spend a large percentage of their budgets on billboard and online campaigns Now, with Hospital Placed Media (HPM) providing a new medium for targeted marketing with individuals that can afford to buy or lease a new vehicle, auto dealerships are shifting their spending. Ray Catena was searching for a new audience for their marketing campaigns, being in an ultra-competitive environment, where choice is abundant, it was crucial to seek out innovative media opportunities and minimize wasteful spending to stay ahead of the competition. 

Sue Hengstler, Controller at Ray Catena of Union commented, “we have been thrilled with the results and have noticed a direct impact on our business with an increase in customers.” 

The Why

Hospital Placed Media offers an ideal platform that enables businesses to reach high-end target audiences strategically. High-household income, great age, and education demographics, including healthcare professionals and administrators, have savvy marketers investing in HPM more and more.

The Results

Since this partnership, Ray Catena has gone on to partner with two additional hospitals in New Jersey and has been running various successful campaigns for the past six years. Knowing the hospital audience is growing and becoming more and more valuable, it was a no-brainer to lock in the space ahead of the competition. Sue continued to comment, “The high-end physicians, employer staff, visitors, and patients that the hospital retains are an extremely attractive audience for our dealership to constantly appeal to. In addition, unlike other mediums, the large hospital represents a localized (30-mile radius), impactful demographic that is our ideal target market.”

How is your business taking advantage of innovative marketing in 2020? With opportunities coast-to-coast, Innovare’s nationwide Hospital Placed Media Platform can help your business today. 

Top Colleges and Universities Investing in Hospital Placed Media

As one of the fastest-growing media segments on the planet, Hospital Placed Media growth continues to soar in 2020. 

Colleges and universities are being strategic in their marketing and advertising plans to feature specific campaigns to their target audience.  Duke University and The Ohio State are among the newest to successfully leverage hospital placed media to promote their Colleges of Nursing. These initiatives have content focused on RN, MSN, Doctor of Nursing Practice, as well as Master of Healthcare Innovation programs.

With streaming radio and people turning to podcasts, the traditional radio audience is eroding.  Innovare Sales Manager, Jon O’Dowd commented, “savvy marketers are turning to new, unconventional media opportunities to reach their ideal audience.  At Innovare, we are excited to be at the forefront of the trend and happy to be supporting colleges and universities with an ideal media placement.”

For more information on how your program can take advantage of hospital placed media, contact us today!


Benefits of Digital Signage Marketing

How Innovare Charging Stations Can Amp Up Your Marketing

In the last decade, digital signage marketing has gained significant traction as a successful technique to connect with consumers. Innovare has taken this marketing approach and combined it with a free and convenient service for consumers with our hospital charging stations. Visitors, patients, and healthcare professionals can charge their devices while the hospital and local businesses utilize the digital screen to promote their educational and marketing materials. While there are many benefits to using the Innovare charging stations for marketing materials, these two stand out as the most impactful results. 

1. Greater Satisfaction

Digital signage can have a considerable effect on your customers’ overall experiences. In a recent study of 2,000 users, 94% claimed that the Innovare charging station enhanced their experience.

2. Higher Sales Growth

Using the Innovare charging stations assist hospital and product marketing within their facilities and support sales growth. Also, patients that have a positive experience at specific locations are more likely to return for future needs, which can lead to residual profit growth. Our charging stations participate in this visitor experience every day. 

As hospital placed media continues to gain momentum, we are partnering with more and more hospitals and local businesses. Contact one of our team members to learn about partnership opportunities.

Advertise Through Our Secure Media Delivery System

We Display Ads in Hospitals Across the Country From Our Remote Office

Hospital placed media has quickly become the forefront of the marketing industry as companies are learning about the benefits of advertising at a hospital which gets their messages in front of a highly targeted demographic: hospital patients, visitors, and healthcare professionals. We partner with businesses of all kinds to get key messages displayed where consumers are most likely to respond to them.

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Hospital Placed Media Spending Soars

Over $20 Million in Marketing Dollars Expected to be Spent by 2020

Hospital placed media continues to gain momentum as a wide variety of businesses are choosing to advertise within hospital facilities, where they can reach a highly targeted demographic. With such a high concentration of $100K+ salary households filled with educated local consumers visiting hospitals, businesses have found an effective avenue to spend their media dollars.

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Innovare Medical Media Wins Big At Healthcare Advertising Awards

Our Collaboration With Northwell Health Earns Top Award at the 36th Annual Ceremony

We are proud to announce that “So much to say so little to budget..”, a project we created with Northwell Health, was awarded as a merit winner in the digital program category at the 36th annual Healthcare Advertising Awards.

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